Hwang S, Wekselblatt J, Hitchens KT, Shapiro MG, Arcaro MJ (2024) Functional neuroimaging of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) brain. Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference.

Xie Y, Arcaro MJ*, Imam N& (2024) Modeling the formation of extrastriate visual maps. Vision Sciences Society 2024.

Jagadeesh A, Najafian S, Kay KN, Arcaro MJ*, Livingstone MS* (2024) Spatially-specific feature tuning drives response properties of macaque IT cortex. Vision Sciences Society 2024.

Liu X, Arcaro MJ, Kastner S (2024) Endogenous attentional sampling under spatial uncertainty: preliminary results. Vision Sciences Society 2024.


Arcaro MJ, Hitchens KT, Wekselblatt J (2023) A multimodal digital atlas of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) brain. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 48.

Meyer EE, Song C, Ong WS, Arcaro MJ (2023) Investigating the capacity for tree shrew high-level vision. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 48.

Sharma S, Arcaro MJ, Livingstone MS (2023) The impact of strobe-rearing on the development of the macaque visual system. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 48.

Oishi H, Berezovskii VK, Livingstone MS, Weiner KS, Arcaro MJ (2023) The microarchitecture of face patches in macaques. Organization of Human Brain Mapping 2023.

Meyer EE & Arcaro MJ (2023) Larger area size, not increased number, better explains expansion of human visual cortex. Vision Sciences Society 2023.

Arcaro MJ (2023) The building blocks of vision: evidence for a hierarchical, retinotopic organization in the human neonate brain. Vision Sciences Society 2023.

Arcaro MJ (2023) Topographic constraints on visual development. Vision Sciences Society 2023 Symposium.

Sharma S, Arcaro MJ, Livingstone MS (2023) Strobe-rearing preserves motion selectivity but disrupts direction selectivity in macaque area MT. Vision Sciences Society 2023.

Rodriguez IF, Linsley D, Gopal J, Fel T, Arcaro MJ, Sharma S, Livingstone MS, Serre T (2023) Harmonizing the visual strategies of image-computable models with humans yields more performant and interpretable models of primate visual system function. Vision Sciences Society 2023.

Arcaro MJ (2023) Preliminary report on a population template atlas of the tree shrew brain. Tree Shrew Discovery 2023.

Meyer EE, Ong WS, Balboa M, Arcaro MJ. (2023) Assessing tree shrew high-level visual behavior using conventional and natural paradigms. Tree Shrew Discovery 2023.


Meyer EE, Ong WS, Balboa M, Arcaro MJ. (2022) Assessing tree shrew high-level visual behavior using conventional and natural paradigms. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 47: Program Number 297.04

Oishi, H, Berezovski VK, Livingstone MS, Weiner K., & Arcaro MJ. (2022) The microarchitecture of face-selective patches in macaques. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 47: Program Number 715.09

Arcaro MJ. (2022). Macro- and microstructural analyses of face-selective patches in macaques. Workshop on Cortical Sulci. Paris, France.

Song C & Arcaro MJ (2022) Mapping anatomical connectivity between visual cortex and the pulvinar in human neonates. Vision Sciences Society 2022.

Arcaro MJ, Guest DR, Allen E, Kay KN (2022) Recapitulation of cortical visual hierarchy in the human pulvinar. Vision Science Society 2022.


Arcaro MJ & Livingstone MS (2021) Face neurons see Waldo. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 46: Program Number P487.07.

Arcaro MJ (2021) Sulcal morphology predicts face patches in macaques. FLUX 2021 Symposium.

Ellis C, Yates T, Arcaro MJ, Turk-Browne NB (2021) Prediction of retinotopic organization in infant visual cortex from movies. V-VSS 2021.

Guest D, Allen E, Wu Y, Naselaris T, Arcaro MJ, Kay K (2021) Evidence for a ventral visual stream in the pulvinar. V-VSS 2021.

Martynek M, Kastner S, Livingstone MS, Arcaro MJ (2021). Testing the molecular anchor hypothesis in humans and macaques. SfN Global Connectome.


Arcaro MJ, Mautz T, Livingstone MS (2020). Anatomical folding predicts the location of face-selective domains in macaque IT. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract 20. V-VSS 2020.

Ellis C, Yates T, Skalaban L, Bejjanki V, Arcaro MJ, Turk-Browne N (2020). Retinotopic mapping with fMRI in awake, behaving infants. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract 20. V-VSS 2020.


Arcaro MJ, Ponce CR, Livingstone MS (2019). The neurons that mistook a hat for a face. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 45: Program Number 489.05.

Arcaro MJ, Ponce CR, Livingstone MS (2019). The neurons that mistook a hat for a face. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract 19.

Natu V, Arcaro MJ, Barnett MA, Gomez J, Livingstone MS, Grill-Spector K, Weiner KS (2019). Development and evolution of sulcal morphology in place-selective regions of ventral temporal cortex. HBM 2019.


Arcaro MJ, Schade PF, Livingstone MS (2018). Multiple body maps in newborn macaques. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 44: Program Number 642.14.

Arcaro MJ, Schade PF, Livingstone MS (2018). Preserved cortical organization in the absence of early visual input. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract 18.

Schade PF, Arcaro MJ, Livingstone MS (2018). Effects of experience on face and body selective neurons in macaque IT. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 44: Program Number 307.16.

Benson NC, Jamison KW, Arcaro MJ, Vu AT, Glasser MF, Van Essen DC, Ugurbil K, Winawer J, Kay KN (2018). The human connectome project 7t retinotopy dataset: A freely available resource of human visual organization. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 44: Program Number 719.07.


Arcaro MJ, Schade PF, Livingstone MS (2017). Experience-dependent development of the visual system is anchored to an innate retinotopic organization. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 43: Program Number 492.08.

Arcaro MJ & Livingstone MS (2017). Retinotopic organization of scene area in macaque inferior temporal cortex and its implications for development. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract. 17.

Livingstone MS, Arcaro MJ, Schade PF, Vincent JL, Ponce CR (2017). The effects of early face deprivation on the macaque face-patch system. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 43: Program Number 492.09.

Todd N, Sun T, Zhang Y, Power C, Arcaro MJ, Patz S, Livingstone M, McDannold N (2017) Resting state functional MRI for evaluation of focused ultrasound induced disruption of the blood brain barrier. ISTU. Nashville, TN. Abstract #2956547.

Todd N, Sun T, Zhang Y, Power C, Arcaro MJ, Patz S, Livingstone M, McDannold N (2017) Functional MRI evaluation of a novel approach to neuromodulation: Targeted delivery of GABBA via focused ultrasound-mediated disruption of the blood-brain barrier.< ISMRM. Honolulu, Hawaii. Abstract #0109.


Arcaro MJ, Vincent JL, Schade P, Srihasam K, Livingstone MS (2016). A retinotopic proto-organization in IT present at birth. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 42: Program Number 800.04

Culham JC, Arcaro MJ, Thaler L, McLean DA, Quinlan DJ, Dutton GN, Goodale MA, Kastner S (2016). Cortical and subcortical responses to moving stimuli in a patient with Riddoch phenomenon arising from bilateral visual cortex lesions. 34th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. Poster #114.


Arcaro MJ, Pinsk MA, Kastner S (2015). Functional and anatomical organization of the dorsal pulvinar in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 41: Program Number 148.27

Lombaert H, Arcaro MJ, Kastner S, Ayache N (2015). Brain transfer for the analysis of cortical data. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 41: Program Number 830.11


Arcaro MJ, Pinsk MA, Kastner S (2014). Functional and anatomical connectivity between the pulvinar and temporal cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 40: Program Number 816.15


Arcaro MJ, Pinsk MA, Kastner S (2013). Investigating the organization of functional and anatomical thalamo-cortical connectivity in the human pulvinar. Society for Neuroscience Nanosymposium 310: Program Number 310.08


Arcaro MJ, Honey CJ, Mruczek REB, Kastner S, Hasson U (2012). Functional connectivity reveals a large-scale eccentricity organization within visual cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 38: Program Number 573.08

Wang L, Mruczek REB, Arcaro MJ, Kastner S (2012). Visual topographic probability maps (VTPM) in standard MNI space. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts.


Arcaro MJ & Kastner S (2011). Topographic organization and attention functions of the human pulvinar. Society for Neuroscience Minisymposium 113: Program Number 113.02

Arcaro MJ, Mclean DA, Quinlan J, Dutton GN, Goodale MA, Kastner S, Culham JC (2011). Cortical and subcortical response properties in a patient with visual cortex lesions. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 37: Program Number 695.12

Pinsk MA, Saalmann YB, Wang L, Arcaro MJ, Li X, Kastner S (2011). Electrophysiological basis of resting state fMRI. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 37: Program Number 398.08


Arcaro MJ, Pinsk MA, McMains SA, Kastner S (2010). Visuotopic organization of the human pulvinar revealed using high-resolution fMRI. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 36: Program Number, 72.14.

Arcaro MJ, Pinsk MA, Li X, Kastner S (2010). Topographic organization of posterior parietal cortex in awake macaque monkeys: an fMRI study. Gordon Conference: Neurobiology of Cognition, Waterville Valley, NH.

Pinsk MA, Arcaro MJ, Kastner S (2010). A comparative approach using fMRI to investigate the face perception network in humans and macaques. ECVP. Laussane, Switzerland.

Caplovitz GP, Arcaro MJ, Kastner S (2010). Categorical representation of visually suppressed objects in visual cortex. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract.


Arcaro MJ, Pinsk MA, Konen C, Li X, Kastner S (2009). Topographic organization of posterior parietal cortex in awake macaque monkeys revealed using fMRI. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 35: Program Number, 759.3.

Lee RF, Xu J, Prabhakaran K, Arcaro MJ (2009). Spatial and spectral analysis for a radial sampling balance SSFP for fMRI. ISMRM: Program Number, 7071


Arcaro MJ & Kastner S (2008). Neural correlates of binocular rivalry in the human visual system using simple and complex stimuli. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 34: Program Number, 462.24

Arcaro MJ, McMains S, Kastner S (2008). Phase-encoded attention tasks reveal topographic maps in posterior parahippocampal cortex. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract (8)6, 1001

Pinsk MA, Arcaro MJ, Konen CS, Li X, Kastner S, Inati SJ (2008). Improved functional MRI of the macaque ventral visual pathway at 3T using multi-echo EPI and dynamic, field map corrected image reconstruction. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 34: Program Number, 260.2

Konen CS, Pinsk MA, Arcaro MJ, Li X, Inati SJ, Kastner S (2008). Object representations in monkey posterior parietal cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 34: Program Number, 261.2

Konen CS, Pinsk MA, Arcaro MJ, Kastner S (2008). Object representations in the dorsal pathway: fMRI adaptation effects in macaque posterior parietal cortex. Vision Sciences Society Meeting Abstract (8)6, 493


Arcaro MJ, McMains S, Kastner S (2007). Phase-encoded attentive tracking reveals topographic maps in human ventral occipital cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 33: Program Number, 280.4